Ocasio Cortez Election Results 2021

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  1. Ocasio Cortez Election Results 2021 Winners
  2. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez 2020 Election
  3. Ocasio Cortez 2020 Primary Results
  4. Results From Ocasio Cortez Primary
  5. Ocasio Cortez Election Results 2020

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won her first bid for reelection to the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday in New York's 14th congressional district. Ocasio-Cortez defeated Republican John C. Watch Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on 'white supremacist sympathizers' in the GOP caucaus—All In with Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) January 28, 2021 Axios reported Wednesday that Rep.

  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., bows her head during a closing prayer of a joint session of the House and Senate to confirm Electoral College votes at the Capitol, early Thursday, Jan 7, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

NEW YORK — New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she and other elected officials “narrowly escaped death” last week when a mob of President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed into the U.S. Capitol, noting that she had additional concerns her own colleagues would put her at risk.

Ocasio cortez election results 2021 sri lanka

In an Instagram Live video on Tuesday night, the Democrat said she personally had an encounter, the details of which she said she couldn’t disclose due to security concerns, “where I thought I was going to die.”

She said there was “a sense that something was wrong from the inside” and that she remained fearful even after she was taken to a secure location with other elected officials.

Ocasio-Cortez, who is Hispanic, noted that her fears were heightened because there were white supremacists and other extremists taking part in the mostly white mob.

Ocasio Cortez Election Results 2021 Winners

The second-term representative, whose New York district covers part of Queens and the Bronx, is among the most high-profile elected officials on the political left and a lightning rod for the right and extreme right.

She had strong condemnation for Trump for inciting the riots, as well as members of his administration who have not invoked the 25th Amendment to remove him from office, as well as those who voted to overturn the election results.

Ocasio-Cortez said those who have resigned in the wake of Wednesday were “cowards.”

“They think that resigning is going to clean that blood of their hands,” she said. “It is always on them.”


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said in an Instagram post that she and several other members of Congress were exploring the possibility of setting up a commission to “rein in” the media, whom she accuses of spreading “disinformation” in the lead-up to the Capitol attack.

Since I don’t think she’s talking about stifling the New York Times or Washington Post, I wonder who she has in mind to “rein in”?

This was the same Instagram interview in which she admitted that she feared for her life during the Capitol attack, so it’s not surprising that the media would ignore her suggestion for censorship and lead with her life being in danger.

But her suggestion that the United States Congress needs to form a commission to rein in the news media has gone largely unreported,

There’s absolutely a commission that’s being discussed but it seems to be more investigating in style rather than truth and reconciliation.


I do think that several members of Congress in some of my discussions have brought up media literacy because that is part of what happened here.

Here’s our “expert” on media literacy.

I don’t want to hear these coup-supporting GOP talk about “blue lives” ever again.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez 2020 Election

They never cared about safety.
Never cared about “law & order.”
And certainly do not care for democracy.

They only care for power, & invited chaos in an effort seize it. They are unfit to serve. pic.twitter.com/3XOVOZEolY

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 13, 2021

How easily could a government commission become a censorship board?

Ocasio Cortez 2020 Primary Results

We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation.

It’s one thing to have differentiating opinions, but it’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false, so that’s something that we’re looking into.

Ocasio cortez election 2020

Results From Ocasio Cortez Primary

What is “disinformation”? What is “misinformation”? What is “false”? What AOC is ignoring is that her “truth” might not be the same as your “truth.” And she wants a government commission to “investigate” which is which?

As a practical matter, we can already envision from “lived experienced” — as a progressive might say — how sanctioning the state to adjudicate the veracity of journalism can be abused.

We need only point to our media “factcheckers,” journalists with political and ideological biases who have regularly, and arbitrarily, labeled completely debatable contentions as falsehoods, while either ignoring or justifying scores of other unsettled contentions. Are these the arbiters of facts who will be manning the government commission appointed by those storied truthtellers in congress?

A recent example was the suppressing of the New York Post’s blockbuster story of Hunter Biden’s business deals and whether or not Joe Biden, as vice president, profited from them. An alliance of Big Tech and left-wing media made sure that either the story was suppressed or “debunked” by “fact-checkers.”


No doubt AOC’s “commission” would help facilitate bringing to heel the conservative media. I don’t know about you, but I’d almost prefer a “truth and reconciliation commission” to a media star-chamber.

Ocasio Cortez Election Results 2020

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants to Liberate Red States From Their Suppression