Slots Instruction
Slots Instruction 6,5/10 4643 votes
With a slot machine and how it operates, even a novice. You insert a coin, pull the handle or press a button and wait a few seconds to see if you win. It’s basic simplicity accounts for much of the success of slot machines in today’s casinos. First, it is unreasonable to claim that this book will make you a winner at. A payer may use the optional aggregate reporting method to report more than one payment of reportable gambling winnings from bingo, keno, or slot machines received by a payee in a 24-hour calendar day or 'gaming day' on a single information return. For more information, see the instructions for box 1 under Bingo, Keno, and Slot. The standards for an approved door slot are: The opening must be at least 1 1/2″ x 7″. The bottom of the slot must be at least 30″ above floor. Horizontal slots must have a flap hinged at the top.
Administration for Children and Families
2. Issuance Date: 06/18/2014
4. Key Words: Early Head Start Slot Conversions; Funding Reallocation
Program Instruction
To: All Head Start and Early Head Start Grantees, Including Delegate Agencies, Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grantees, and State Collaboration Grantees
Slot Machine Repair Manuals Pdf
Subject: Conversion of Enrollment Slots from Head Start Children to Early Head Start Children
Instruction:The Head Start Act of 2007 provided the authority for Head Start grantees to shift funding from services for Head Start preschool age children to Early Head Start services for pregnant women, infants, and toddlers, whether or not they currently operate an Early Head Start program.
Many states and localities have increased their funding of public pre-K and are now able to serve children currently or previously served by Head Start. In conducting their community assessment, Head Start grantees may find that the needs of the communities they serve have changed. Under the Head Start Act of 2007 Section 640(f)(2)(B) and 645(a)(5), Head Start grantees may request conversion of funded enrollment slots and a proportionate reallocation of funds from Head Start to Early Head Start.
Any grantee proposing a conversion of Head Start services to Early Head Start services must obtain governing body approval and submit the request to their Regional Office.

The Act offers special provisions for American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) grantees. An AIAN grantee that operates both an Early Head Start program and a Head Start program may reallocate funds between the Early Head Start program and the Head Start program at its discretion and at any time during the grant period involved, in order to address fluctuations in client populations (Section 645(d)(3)). Any AIAN grantee that exercises its discretion to reallocate funds is asked to notify its OHS Regional Office prior to the effective date of such reallocation.
The request for conversion of enrollment slots, whether included in your refunding application or a separate grant amendment, must include:

- A grant application budget and a budget narrative that clearly identifies the funding amount for the Head Start and Early Head Start programs before and after the proposed conversion.
- The results of your community assessment demonstrating how the proposed use of funds would best meet the needs of the community, including a description of how the needs of eligible Head Start children will be met in the community when the conversion takes place.
- A revised program schedule that describes the proposed program option(s) and the number of funded enrollment slots for the Head Start and Early Head Start programs before and after the proposed conversion.
- A description of how the needs of pregnant women, infants, and toddlers will be addressed. A discussion of your agency’s capacity to carry out an effective Early Head Start program in accordance with the requirements of Section 645A(b) of the Head Start Act and all applicable Program Performance Standards. Assurances that the agency will participate in training and technical assistance activities required of all Early Head Start grantees.
- A discussion of the qualifications and competencies of the child development staff proposed for the Early Head Start program, as well as a description of the facilities and program infrastructure that will be used to support the new or expanded Early Head Start program.
- The proposed timetable for implementing this conversion. Also, please discuss any one-time funding necessary to implement the proposed conversion and how the agency intends to secure such funding.

Please direct any questions on this Program Instruction to your OHS Regional Office. Thank you for the work you do on behalf of children and families.
/ Ann Linehan /
Slots Instruction
Ann Linehan
Acting Director
Office of Head Start
See PDF Version of Program Instruction:
MIPS Delay Slot Instructions
On the MIPS architecture, jump and branch instructions have a 'delay slot'. This means that the instruction after the jump or branch instruction is executed before the jump or branch is executed.
In addition, there is a group of 'branch likely' conditional branch instructions in which the instruction in the delay slot is executed only if the branch is taken.
The MIPS processors execute the jump or branch instruction and the delay slot instruction as an indivisible unit. If an exception occurs as a result of executing the delay slot instruction, the branch or jump instruction is not executed, and the exception appears to have been caused by the jump or branch instruction.
This behavior of the MIPS processors affects both the TotalView instruction step command and TotalView breakpoints.
The TotalView instruction step command will step both the jump or branch instruction and the delay slot instruction as if they were a single instruction.
If a breakpoint is placed on a delay slot instruction, execution will stop at the jump or branch preceding the delay slot instruction, and TotalView will not know that it is at a breakpoint. At this point, attempting to continue the thread that hit the breakpoint without first removing the breakpoint will cause the thread to hit the breakpoint again without executing any instructions. Before continuing the thread, you must remove the breakpoint. If you need to reestablish the breakpoint, you might then use the instruction step command to execute just the delay slot instruction and the branch.
Slot Machine Repair Manual
A breakpoint placed on a delay slot instruction of a branch likely instruction will be hit only if the branch is going to be taken.